
Signing With Paul Allor (Marvel Rivals)
Signing event with Paul Allor, comic book creator, educator and writer on the new Marvel Rivals series

Free Comic Book day 2025
Stop by and get free comic books for readers of all ages (while supplies last) as part of this national event.

Book Signing With DJ BenHaMeen
Join us for a book signing with DJ BenHaMeen, co-writer of the rock space opera graphic novel Purple Haze.

Book Signing With Kay Synclaire, Author of House Of Frank
Join us for a book signing with Kay Synclaire, author of the fantasy novel House of Frank.

Solar Flair: Black In Action (Figure)
Join us for a live podcast recording with The Blerd Bar followed by a meet and greet with the creator of the Sun Man action figure, Yla Eason.

CANCELLED: Creative Role Playing Game Workshop
A free workshop for youth ages 12-16 interested in D&D and other role playing games.

Dystopian Book Club: How High We Go In The Dark
Join us for the dystopian book club where we discuss the world building and lessons we can learn from dystopian stories.

Book Signing Event with Jamar Nicholas for his new graphic novels Leon Worst Friends Forever and Marvel Super Stories #2
Book signing event with author and illustrator of Leon The Extraordinary and Leon Worst Friends Forever.

Books & Wires #8 Featuring Anne Ishii
Join us for live electronic soundscapes while you browse books and comics.

PhillyTuft Pop Up
Philly Tuft pop up sale at Multiverse Philly selling unique pop culture inspired rugs.

Dystopian Book Club: Archangels Of Funk
Join us for the dystopian book club where we discuss the world building and lessons we can learn from dystopian stories.

Creative Role Playing Game Workshop
A free workshop for youth ages 12-16 interested in D&D and other role playing games.

Dystopian Book Club Camp Zero
Join us for the dystopian book club where we discuss the world building and lessons we can learn from dystopian stories.

Creative Role Playing Game Workshop
A free workshop for youth ages 12-16 interested in D&D and other role playing games.

Silent Book Club
Join us for a silent book club at Pastorius Park in Chestnut Hill (a few blocks from the store).

Philly Bookstore Crawl
Multiverse in participating in the 2024 Philly Bookstore Crawl—a yearly celebration of Philadelphia’s wildly vibrant and wonderful bookstore scene, at the end of every August.

Silent Book Club
Join us for a silent book club at Pastorius Park in Chestnut Hill (a few blocks from the store).

Silent Book Club
Join us for a silent book club at Pastorius Park in Chestnut Hill (a few blocks from the store).

CANCELLED DUE TO STORM. Join us for a silent book club at Pastorius Park in Chestnut Hill (a few blocks from the store).

“Immortal Dark” Manga signing with Creator James Enoch Church
Meet James Enoch Church and get exclusive signed print copies of the “Immortal Dark” manga series.

“Beyond The Aching Door” book signing with Victoria Mier
Book signing event for author Victoria Mier’s new romantasy novel.

Books & Wires #7 Featuring MANNA
Join us for live electronic soundscapes while you browse books and comics.

Tee Franklin in conversation with Imani Barbarin
Book signing event with writer Tee Franklin (Bingo Love, Harley Quinn) and conversation about representing disabled people together with activist Imani Barbarin.

Chestnut Hill Home and Garden Festival (REscheduled to May 19 Rain Date)
Open special Sunday hours for this festival that brings together over 200 vendors.

Books & Wires #6
Join us for the sixth installation of Books & Wires, a series of performances by modular synthesizer artists.

Free Comic Book Day AND Star Wars Day
Free comic book day! Pick up free official FCBD comics (while supplies last) and 20% off all other comics.

Artist Talk With Jamar Nicholas
Artist talk and book signing with comic book artist Jamar Nicholas, author of “Leon The Extraordinary.”

Comic Book Signing With Jackie KOng
Meet Jackie Kong (director of cult horror film classics like Blood Diner) and get a copy of her new comic book Spend The Night..

Capital Punishment Party Game Demo
Learn how to play this pop culture based party game.

POSTPONED: Author Zalika Reid-Benta in conversation with Tshay
Zalika Reid-Benta, author of River Mumma, in conversation with Tshay.